Architectural Studies

College of Fine and Applied Arts


  • Admission into Architectural Studies is competitive. The required GPA at the time of admission decision is varied and based on the depth of the applicant pool and the number of available seats. In general, candidates need to have a GPA above a 3.2 to be competitive.
  • Required courses to be completed prior to transfer: ARCH 101, ARCH 171, ARCH 172, MATH 220 – Calculus or MATH 221 – Calculus I and either MATH 231 – Calculus II or PHYS 101 – College Physics: Mech & Heat. 
  • Please note: ARCH 172 and PHYS101/PHYS211 or MATH231 may be in progress at the time of application but must be completed upon entry into the program.
  • Complete the Intercollegiate Transfer Application (Application opens on January 24, 2025). 

Application Periods

Students may only enter Architectural Studies in the fall semester. The application will open on January 24, 2025, and be available through March 7, 2025. Students will be notified by the end of March regarding a decision.

Important Links


For questions, email La Tanya Cobb at