Advisory groups are longer term groups working on completion of specific student success ideas that either were recommended through previous phases of Student Success @ Illinois or were established to accomplish continued student success goals.
Ask Alma Advisory Group
Taking the implementation team report from Phase II, the Ask Alma Advisory Group continues this effort to identify a tool to support the Ask Alma initiative. Members of the advisory group are representatives from across campus units.
Early Alert/Outreach Advisory Group
A main takeaway from multiple reports in Phase I and Phase II was the need for a centralized and holistic early alert/outreach tool to support student success. The Early Alert/Outreach Advisory group is identifying the needs for such a tool, the supports required to maintain a tool, and what tools would work best to meet the demands on our campus.
Advising Advisory Group
Based on feedback from the advising community, the Advising Advisory group will plan the monthly Advisor Series and further work on the Advising Initiative. Members of the advisory groups are representatives from academic advising and advising adjacent campus community.